Happy Happy Day of Love my friends! Throughout my life, Valentine's day and I have gone through a wave of good times and bad.
It's great when you're six and collecting sugar filled Valentine's from your friends.
Bad when you're sixteen, single and watching all of your friends take home flowers from their boyfriends.
Amazing when you're nineteen and have found the love of your life that you plan to spend forever and ever with.
Horrible when you're twenty one and realize that plans have changed.
And it's elating when you're twenty-eerhf and you wake up to the man and children that really have become your forever and ever. I still don't know how I got so lucky to have such a sweet family, I just love them!
But being the broke students that we are, Valentine's day is one holiday that we don't celebrate much. Usually a nice dinner suffices. And after visiting some amazing food blogs for ideas, here is what I plan to make.
Kim, one of my favorite blog friends from Stirring the Pot, completely knocked my socks off with this Triple Pork Split Pea Soup. Thick flavorful bright soup filled with three different kinds of pork. And as you'll remember, I do love pig!
I just barely met Megan from Food and Whine, but I already love her blog. She has these fun Jello Hearts that I know my kids will go nuts for.
And for dessert I turned to Deborah from Taste and Tell, who devoted some time experimenting with red velvet. It was so hard to choose what to choose from her lineup, but I finally decided on these Red Velvet and Strawberry Trifles because my daughter loves strawberries. How pretty do they look!

And that is how I will be spending my evening with the people that I love. I hope you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones too!
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