Our staycation with Glenn's family has sadly come to an end and we've been booted back to reality. We sure had a lovely time though, and spent the week exploring all sorts of different areas in Philly, DC, Ocean City and more. And, true to my form, the week was also spent enjoying all kinds of FOOD! And I learned a few things. So, in my classic 5th grade essay manner, I will share what I learned on my Spring Break.
Cooking with loved ones is always much more fun than cooking alone (I'm in the black). Also, cooking an entire Thanksgiving feast in the middle of March is completely acceptable.
It might not be the prettiest way, but roasted turkey in the bag is still my favorite way to do it. Sorry Alton.
I'm still not a huge fan of pie, but I do really love a nice tangy lemon meringue pie. And a bit of grated cheddar cheese on the top of an apple pie makes it all the better!
These things...pretty good!
After reading and watching Julie and Julia (if you liked the movie, you'll love the book, she gets a lot more into the food), I too can get into the LONG line of people that are in love with Julia Child. This is me in front of the replica of her kitchen at the Smithsonian. What I would give for a chance to cook with her!
I'm in love with this picture. She looks like so much fun!
It doesn't matter what I make for Glenn, I'll just never be able to make him happy like this place can...sigh. :-)
Waffles, made with regular cake batter, covered in ice cream and hot fudge makes for a right dandy dessert. Give it a try!
The Reading Terminal in Philly does have a Creperie (I finally found it!), and it's fantastic! This one is filled with chicken, pesto, cheese and all sorts of veggies, delish!
The Shady Maple Smorgasbord, outside of Lancaster, PA is still one of the best buffets I've ever been to. If you're ever in the area, be sure to go, even if you're not a buffet fan. You'll get a taste for good homemade Mennonite cooking, it's well worth the drive!
The Pop Shop, a place that Bobby Flay had a grilled cheese throwdown is a place that I never get sick of. They have a huge menu of different grilled cheese sandwiches, and I recommend going with someone who will order something different and trade with you. I've burned through the menu a lot quicker that way hee hee! My sissy-in-law shared her Haddon with me, which is possibly my very favorite so far. Salty ham, sweet caramelized apples with cheddar cheese on a rich grainy bread, a big messy piece of heaven!
And this is me at my happiest. Okay, I didn't just learn that, but it was definitely reaffirmed! See how my pinky is raised, I'm fancy like that.
And since I don't quite know how to wrap up my posts, here's a picture of me and my guy at the beach. What a great time we had, and my belly was quite happy as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to the gym!
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