
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Crema Catalana


Crema Catalana is the Spanish version of crème brûlée. It's actually quite similar, but apparently it's often milk-based rather than made with cream, and it often has cinnamon and orange. I haven't made it myself - do you have a favorite recipe?

After one minute.

In Spain, since we mostly ate in, we bought some ready-made Crema Catalanas for dessert, to eat with sliced strawberries. They were delicious - and quite fun, because to get the crispy caramelized top, they had a little packet... of something. I'm not sure what. Sugar and something else, because as you sprinkled it on top of the custard, it actually turned into caramel.

Sure, you get much better results by sprinkling sugar and using a torch to caramelize it - but as that wasn't an option, this was a pretty good substitute.

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