
Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Happy Midsummer's Eve!


Sweden's most beloved holiday (perhaps after christmas) is here. I'm celebrating with friends, and we're having a somewhat traditional menu: sill and new potatoes, barbecued meat, and a cake. And lots of strawberries. And snaps for those who want it - I'll pass.

I've also made some crisp rye bread - it's dead easy to make yourself, and no, you don't have to have a fancy "kruskavel".

For more about Midsummer in general, you can visit this page.

And some suitable recipes:
Crisp bread with caraway
Caviar Sill
Lemon Sill
Pickled Salmon
Chili & Rosemary Pork
Herbed Potato Salad
Strawberry Cream Cake

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